Final music video

Thursday 27 October 2016

Textual Analysis of Walk this Way Point 11

The shots used in this video are mostly simpe medium wide shots. They often use some panning as well some hand-held movement. At one point there is a high angle shot to show a kind of physical split screen between the two groups. When on stage the camera is closer to the faces of the singers to emphasises that they are currently singing. There are also some hand held shots.

Mise en scene.
There are three different locations used in this video. The first is the band rehearsal place where you find some studio lights as well as the band members and their instruments. The second is separated by a wall ti the band are. Its  the studio where RUN DMC is performing , they have a mixing set some amps 1 dim light bulb and a couple of people watching them. The last set the stage and the audience. there are less props than previous but instead there is professional lighting, a large audience, different colours spotlights and some steps as well as the rest of the band.

The editing is relativity slowly at the beginning only cutting between the 2 studios and at one point showing both the studios in a split screen. But then the editing get very fast once the song starts and you always get to see different parts of people playing guitar or singing.

There is some diabetic sound in this video like people cheering and also some dialogue before the song starts but for the most part it is the song which has guitar, record scratches, rapping and the singing of Steven Tyler.

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